What is The Satoshi Collection?

The Satoshi Collection is a travelling gallery owned by NFT Arts holding eventually the best NFT art out there to be shared in the “real” world in true galleries, VR and AR Experiences.

How do I get my art in The Satoshi Collection?

Alert your work to our Super Curator, easily contacted via a Twitter DM. We can work on a deal together or may live bid on your work. Some clever people, such as Saatchi Artists, have kindly transferred their works straight into the decentralised collection for our curators consideration.

I’m a Whale and want to buy. Is this a Crypto Exchange?

We could’ve gone the exchange direction like or Sasha Bailey’s BAE but are not as clever as them. However if you’re a whale we’d love your support buying up pieces which helps support this gallery, our artists and wider charities like Unicef. The more money we generate from the Gallery, the more we invest in new emerging artists. 100% of profits go straight back into new acquisitions up until January 2022.

What’s the difference between NFT Arts and The Satoshi Collection

Our founder owns and runs NFT Arts which is building a number of Crypto ventures, exploring this whole space. #TheSatoshiCollection is part centralised, part decentralised and plays a key role in the bigger vision for this project. Get involved, share art with us and we’ll become one of the largest NFT GLAM projects in the world.

Can you share your pieces with our Gallery?

Yes, yes, yes! We want this project partly decentralised but by passing through NFT Arts, work becomes available for GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums). We can loan specific pieces for your exhibition or help you to get works in VR/ AR, whatever help you need. We want to share!!!

Are you kind? And… are you Satoshi?

We realize this project, if all goes well, could raise serious crypto, like Bitcoin itself. We want to reinvest that digital gold into emerging artists, support your new pieces and get you in the hall of fame that is #TheSatoshiCollection - We are carbon neutral, sharing and caring. If you back us, you’re backing a better world for digital art. We’re not Satoshi, but believe the community has already helped steer us to claim The Satoshi of Art.